Is this hotel pet friendly?

No, we do not allow pets at Sunset Suites hotel. We always inform our customers of this when they request a reservation. This is to avoid any inconvenience.

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Is there a spa in the rooms?

No, there is no spa in the rooms but bathrooms. You can see them by visiting all our apartments from our website or by clicking here.

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Is the hotel pool open during the covid-19?

No, the hotel pool is not open during the covid-19. But we are currently going through some renovation. We will open it in summer 2023.

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Can you see websites tenants visit?

Sunset Suites staff can’t see websites tenants are visiting. We have no access to this kind of private information. We respect the privacy of our tenants.

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Can’t play Hotel California from Eagles?

Yes, you can play the Hotel California music from “Eagles” in your rooms. You can listen to any music while respecting your neighbours’ right to peace.

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Can hotel rooms have cameras?

No, any of our rooms has cameras. We respect the privacy of our tenants. There only are cameras in common areas inside and surrounding the building.

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Are hotel rooms soundproof ?

Yes, all rooms are soundproof. Sunset Suites is a concrete building and we have doubled all windows. It is a quiet building to spend some good time.

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Can hotel rooms detect vaping?

No, rooms of Sunset Suites hotel can’t detect vaping. But all rooms are strictly non smoking. We count on the understanding of the tenants at this level.

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Can hotel kick you out ?

We can ask tenants to leave if : the rent is unpaid they smoke or dirty the rooms they are disturbing the neighbours in any disrespectful way.

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Are parties allowed ?

We authorize tenants to receive guests reasonably. They can host parties without disturbing their neighbors. At Sunset Suites, we respect the rights of others.

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